“worm brain my stomach hurts sunday morning” is forthcoming in Currant Jam, summer 2024
Issue 1 of Word Art Magazine, co-founded by Claire Richards and Alex Moreno, forthcoming 2024
features “I’m Just Browsing” and the following works from Pirate Babble: extended works “Chaos Interplay,” “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, can it still be beautiful,” and “Enatai”
Photographs “self portrait at home, 2020 (1 & 2)” published in Anthology for Unseen. Ed. Amanda Bauer, Ruoyi Shi. Los Angeles: R+A Editions, 2023-4. p. 13-14, 17. Print.
Watch Me: A Story Book, instagram story archival art book, edition of 50
“give it all up / this modern melancholy,” published in Oddball Magazine